Latest Aicon software available from Measurement Solutions

Including extended functions, integrated utility and higher user-friendliness, the new versions of MoveInspect HF | HR, OptoCat and Aicon 3D Studio software packages have been launched and are available in the UK from Measurement Solutions.

A major difference with the new software packages is that licensing is now standardised. Users only need one licence for all systems, and this can be adapted to the individual measuring tasks. Scanning, probing, determination of reference information, deformation measurements – the various options are better geared to each other, says Aicon. This integrated utility allows for probing with a Breuckmann scanner and the MI.Probe mini, for example. Probes with different probe tips are recognised automatically during measurement, and users can distinguish them by their different colours. Holders of appropriate licences and a valid software maintenance contract will receive the new software versions automatically with the next update.