Smooth move from Ametek Taylor Hobson

Ametek Taylor Hobson has unveiled portable and table-based surface measurement machines. The former, called Surtronic Duo, uses a long-wearing diamond stylus that is drawn across a part with a precision motorized traverse mechanism. Vertical movement of the stylus is detected by a piezo-electric pickup that converts mechanical movement into electrical signals. The signals are digitised and sent to a microprocessor for instant calculation of surface parameters. Simple one-button operation produces a full set of traceable measurement results, including a detailed profile graph. Display and traverse modules can be operated as one unit or separated for difficult access applications.

The table-based unit, the Intra Touch, provides many important surface finish capabilities, including fundamental roughness and waviness parameters, contour and form error analysis. The instrument's 1 mm vertical range and 16 nm resolution deliver high accuracy contour and surface finish measurements. A contour-only 28 mm gauge option is said to be ideal for form measurement.