It is now possible to record the latest machine and process data from a plant using Siemens' Sinumerik OPC UA option. OPC UA is a platform independent service-oriented architecture that integrates the functionality of individual OPC Classic specifications into one extensible framework.
In short, the option allows the integration of Sinumerik 828D/828D Basic and Sinumerik 840D sl CNC systems into the corporate network via the OPC UA software interface.
Achieving minimum downtime is key in any plant, and if machines are being monitored for factors such as heat, vibration and power consumption, then a breakdown can be predicted and ultimately, prevented. Traditionally, when monitoring production in this way, plants were required to add PCs with sensors to existing machines, meaning all of the data captured was second hand. The OPC UA option on the Sinumerik system eliminates the need for additional PC sensors as the facilities are already integrated.