Lathe is optimised for production machining

Lathe is optimised for production machining

The NZ-S1500, first launched last year, now features driven tools. Each six-station turret can now carries three driven tools (0.75 kW milling motors, maximum spindle speed of 4,500 rpm). First launched one year ago, the company made the machine as small as possible and also as low as possible, the latter to aid shopfloor visibility. It takes just 2.7 m2 of floorspace – that’s under 35 per cent of the space required by the previous model, says the company. The machine’s working capacity is 120 mm diameter maximum (standard range is 20 to 60 mm) and length 535 mm. Short x-axis travels of 60 mm keep travels to a minimum. Joining two machines together with an integrated loader sees the length of such a cell reduced by half over previous machines so grouped. There’s also an automation system using a new loader with a hand turning function. This enables workpieces to be turned over during transfer from Process 1 to Process 2 without using a turnover unit, thus dramatically reduced idle time.