Frictionless linear drives are the key to the Horizon’s fast and smooth motion. The isolated kinematic drive structure is completely independent of the CMM structure, and ensures that the motor thrust is directed through the moving parts’ centre of gravity. This design not only avoids acceleration-induced metrology errors, but has the effect of thermally isolating the motors from the metrology structure of the CMM and negates any issues regarding the heat generated.
By driving the bridge through its centre of gravity, the Horizon’s design gains all the metrology benefits of a CMM with a raised Y-axis guideway, but without the inconvenience of limited access.
The result of all this novel design is that Aberlink has now produced a machine suited to contact scanning with a first-term accuracy specification well under 2 micron, thus delivering the company’s most accurate CMM to-date.
Also on display will be the latest release of Aberlink’s Mk4 3D inspection software (4.14).