ZCC inserts from Stocdon have colour code for easier use

ZCC Cutting Tools now offers a new insert coding system called Simply Coloured. Available from Stocdon Tools, users can easily identify both grade and wear.

Simply Coloured promises savings on consumable tooling by making it easier for machinists to keep track of carbide inserts and has these features: easier assignment of inserts for the application; uses same insert shapes but identifies different grades; toolholders also use same colour code, so no mixing of pockets and styles; Increase your productivity by using the best grade/chip breaker, every time; users get 100% use of all corners, and can save up to 30% over their current, unmarked inserts; the Simply Coloured carbide insert system is only for wet/coolant use. The ZCC brochure on the Simply Coloured carbide insert system can be viewed on Stocdon's website - www.stocdon.co.uk .