Trumpf CalibrationLine enhances PFO 3D ultra fast precision laser system

CalibrationLine is the latest refinement to the Trumpf Programmable Focusing Optics System, PFO 3D, for ultra fast laser welding without having to move the focusing optics. It calibrates the exact position of the focal point and the power of the laser beam at the workpiece. The benefits, says Trumpf, are considerably improved repeatability and increased process safety.

Trumpf's PFO 3D's connection to a robot allows workpieces to be welded on the fly in just a few seconds. CalibrationLine complements the Trumpf Mirror Stabilisation Programme (MSP) that measures and adjusts mirror positions independent of temperature and humidity. The work area of the latest generation PFO 3D has also been increased. The maximum size is now 695 by 1,080 mm in elliptical form with a Z-stroke of up to ±475 mm. To provide enhanced programming and application features, such as wobble welding, the system has been upgraded with highly dynamic electronics. Maximum laser performance has also been extended to 8 kW.