Thanks to growth in sectors such as electronics and medical technology the demand for small components remains high, with these parts becoming common-place in machining businesses.
With these smaller components come several drawbacks and challenges, with particular focus on workholding. The new ZSG mini centric vice for small parts, part of the WNT Performance series from Ceratizit is aimed squarely at improving process security and quality-critical steps in the machining of these parts.
When it comes to machining smaller parts fixed connections are particularly important for vices, mainly due to extremely tight tolerances that are generally required.
"There are various ways to achieve this. Workpieces can be pre-stamped by investing in a special machine prior to clamping, creating a positive mechanical connection using the negative embossed profile in the jaw. However, this is eliminated with our new ZSG mini. Thanks to its very-high clamping force of 16 kN, our approach is simple: clamp, lock, go!" said Christoph Retter, product manager clamping fixtures at Ceratizit.
Quick and easy part handling is also a deciding factor in minimising non-productive time and the ZSG mini offers significant advantages, as it can be easily accessed from all sides, expediting the machining of raw and finished parts, multi-clamping and automated applications. However, the biggest time saver is the ability to change jaws in a matter of seconds without any tools.
This is achieved through the integrated pull-down action, which is generated via two spring pressure pins, ensuring total machining precision and quality.
The ZSG mini centric vices are available in lengths of 80 mm and 100 mm, with quick change jaws in widths of 45 mm and 70 mm – all case-hardened to between 54 and 56 HRC and available in different versions with either smooth faces or with serrated grip variants.
"The real highlight here is the fact that all jaws can be used on any ZSG mini. This makes the system extremely flexible," added Retter. “The stainless base body that is hardened to 45 HRC also promises a long and reliable service life for the clamping system.”