Superabrasive wheels deal with volumes and difficult materials
Two new ranges of external cylindrical grinding wheels, one using cubic boron nitride (CBN) grains in an electroplated nickel matrix and the other based on CBN grains in a vitrified bond, have been introduced by Tyrolit. Called Polaris and Genis respectively, they are intended for large volume production of components made from difficult materials such as hardened steel and tough exotic alloys.
Compared with competitive CBN wheels, increases of up to 60 per cent in wheel life are claimed for the new superabrasive products. They are aimed mainly at the automotive sector, although applications are to be found in the aerospace, motorsport, medical and bearing industries as well.
More aggressive grinding and hence shorter cycle times are achieved with CBN compared with aluminium oxide wheels, leading to higher productivity and lower cost per part, assisted further by fewer wheel changes, lower infeed force and energy consumption, and reduced machine wear.
For each application, Tyrolit analyses and optimises the process, providing a turnkey package including a tailor-made wheel for the application and the machine on which the components will be ground, and advice on wheel preparation, grinding parameters and coolant delivery.