Starrett unveils Fast Cut and Deep Cut hole saws

Two bi-metal hole saws that promise significant performance gains are now available from LS Starrett. Fast Cut and Deep Cut will replace the existing Constant Pitch and Dual Pitch respectively.

The Fast Cut hole saw combines a newly developed tooth profile and base material with enhanced heat and wear resistance. It is suited to cutting stainless and mild steel sheet, and will also cut through tubes with a wall thickness of up to 3 mm.

Compared with the previous Constant Pitch hole saw, Fast Cut can operate up to 30% quicker and increases edge life by up to 20%, depending on the application and cutting conditions.

The Deep Cut saw combines the tried and tested tooth form and set from the previous Dual Pitch product with a new high cobalt material, for enhanced heat and wear resistance. It offers the same 20% increase in cutting life, under the right conditions.