Roemheld flexible position clamping element solves workpiece distortion dilemma

Roemheld has developed a zero point flexible position clamping element that offers both clamping and support

This addition to the Roemheld workholding range is offered as a solution in situations where mounting has to be adapted to suit the workpiece. The Roemheld flexible position three-point support clamping element, for example, avoids the distortion that can result in thin-walled parts from direct workpiece clamping. First, the clamping force is applied to all clamping elements up to 20 kN. Three support points are fixed and pulled onto the supports during clamping. At the same time, the flexible position clamping element is also moved into element at the fourth point and every further point. The flexible position element is then clamped into position. The clamping force achieved depends on hydraulic pressure. A retractable nipple with equaliser solves the contradiction of stable mounting and the necessary movement, and can be used wherever large thermal expansion is expected. It means that, independent of the size of the pallet, there is always a fixed zero point during machining. A booster for use with single-acting mounting systems ensures pallets can be changed quickly and safely. While a docking unit with media transfer is available which feeds all energy and supply lines.