Programmable MultiWave aqueous cleaner can temper vibrations to suit delicate or tough subjects
FinnSonic’s MultiWave aqueous cleaning machine is not restricted to generating either a high or a low frequency of constant power, or perhaps both frequencies simultaneously like conventional ultrasonic models.
Low frequency, aggressive vibrations help to remove heavy soils from large areas of components but the powerful cavitations resulting from the creation and implosion of large bubbles can damage the surface of delicate materials, so are more suited to cleaning robust metals. Higher ultrasound frequencies, on the other hand, penetrate the viscous boundary layer more effectively, generating milder actions closer to the component surface for more precise cleaning in difficult-to-reach areas.
Turbex says that the ability of the 40-litre, stand-alone MultiWave to vary the ultrasonic frequency and power from high to low as many times as the user wishes dramatically improves the efficiency with which contamination is removed from the surface of components.