Machinery’s editor, Andrew Allcock, talks to Autodesk’s Jonathan Geffen about how the design-manufacturing engineering dynamic has changed in recent years; what role Fusion 360 can play in supporting a new collaborative way of working; the benefits of such a single, collaborative environment; why engineers should consider switching to the platform and leave behind traditional single-function, desk-bound software packages; details about the functions and capabilities of the various ‘workspaces’ (software applications) that can be accessed within Fusion 360; plus commercial details about subscriptions, releases and how to access your free trial.
To boost your design and manufacturing engineers’ productivity and get great products to market faster and more efficiently, make sure that you fully understand what Fusion 360 is and how your engineering teams can collaborate quickly, effortlessly and without any misunderstandings or mismatching data. It really is the future and Autodesk is investing heavily into this area, adding broader and deeper capability on a regular basis.
Indeed, once you’ve listened to this podcast, stay tuned for more Fusion 360 product update news – important announcements will be made at the Autodesk University event to be held in November 2020.