In this episode, the pair discuss why Sheffield is the UK’s cobot research/activity hot-spot, run over cobot research there in general, talk about its realisation via a new demonstrator at the AMRC, delve into the various areas that are being addressed to broaden the application of cobots, paint a picture of the future and provide details of forthcoming events that will see industry able to variously engage with some of this.
Universal Robots is the global leader in the manufacture and supply of collaborative robots (cobots), robots that can safely work alongside people. The company was set up and is headquartered in Denmark’s robot hotspot of Odense. In fact, with more than 100 robot companies there, Odense is the global centre of cobot efforts (See Machinery, July 2019, p10 &
Universal Robots ( has more than 42,000 robots installed worldwide, giving it an estimated 50% of the market for cobots globally. Its family of four cobots boasts payloads of from 3 to 16 kg and reaches of from 500 to 1,300 mm.
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