ISO 9001:2015 is an internationally recognised standard that ensures products and services meet the needs of customers through an effective quality management system.
The achievement was underpinned by the fact that no non-conformities were found during both the July audit and the original awarding in December 2019.
ISO Audit Highlights
Executive director Stephen Bodsworth (picture, centre) comments: “We are delighted to have achieved such a successful result from our latest ISO9001 audit, as this certification continues to underline our commitment to our customers and our focus on quality. These practices have been put into place and executed particularly across the past couple of years and underpinned across our company wide and adopted quality policy.
“As have many organisations during this time, we have had to adapt to the threats of Covid-19 and implement new ways of working for the safety of our colleagues, customers and suppliers. Throughout this period, and despite these challenges, we have still been able to maintain the level of support to ensure that our customer experience is at the high standard we demand of ourselves and that our customers would come to expect of us. As the audit itself took place in a virtual form, we were still able to demonstrate our processes and management systems that enable us to keep these standards in this unique environment.
“I would like to thank all colleagues who have undertaken rigorous internal and external reviews along the way, but their everyday commitment made us confident of passing the recent audit and the fact that that both assessments were conducted with no non conformities is testament to the quality and dedication of our people and processes.”