The machine, a DNM 400 II equipped with a Siemens 828 Control and the on-board ShopMill conversational programming software system, is being used to train engineers from Northern Ireland in best-practice CNC programming and the machining of exotic materials and hard metals – for example, titanium, titanium alloys, Inconel – used increasingly, although not exclusively, in the aerospace sector.
The Doosan machine tool installation is part of a unique partnership between industry, relevant government agencies (for example, Invest NI) and research and development organisations to create a training centre of excellence for Northern Ireland’s engineering skills base.
As well as Mills CNC, the partnership is also supported by Mills’ CNC Training Academy and cutting tool and tooling specialist Seco Tools UK.
Dr Scott King, manager at the NIACE Centre says: “Advanced CNC machine tools, cutting tools and tooling, and requisite work-holding equipment are very expensive and can be prohibitive for a single company to purchase. NIACE and its partners are keen to support the advanced engineering sector, by placing a unique training resource at the centre that the participants can use, while also offering support, advice and guidance.”
Thanks to funding from an Invest NI skills enhancement grant, dedicated training has already taken place: a group of ten engineers were involved in a week-long training programme at the centre using the Doosan DNM 400 II machine. In addition staff from The CNC Training Academy provided training input, Seco Tools supplied the cutting tools, and metals provider and processor, Metalweb, provided the raw titanium.
Martin Blakely, business manager at Mills CNC says: “There is no dedicated training academy for CNC machining in Northern Ireland, so we are delighted that Invest NI has provided the funding for this first round of training”.
As installed at NIACE, the Doosan DNM 400 II installed at NIACE is equipped with the Siemens Sinumerik 828D CNC control system and Shopmill, Siemens’ conversational programming software. The machine is equipped with a 12,000 rpm/18 kW spindle, roller-type guideways, swivelling operator console and top cover opening for crane access.