Delcam to host GTMA Emerging Technologies event

1 min read

Delcam will host the fourth GTMA "Emerging Technologies" event at its Birmingham headquarters on Wednesday 30 March.

The meeting will include presentations on a range of new manufacturing technologies and their potential applications, including developments in carbon reduction, micro-manufacturing, additive manufacturing, composites processing, toolmaking, sheet-metal forming and workholding. GTMA's Julia Moore says: "In addition to the formal presentations, we will be encouraging networking among the delegates so that they can gain even more from their day. A series of 'Hot Desks', where a variety of experts will be situated during the networking periods, will give the chance for companies to discuss their specific needs. "The day will give delegates an opportunity to learn more about the new and emerging technologies within manufacturing that could provide their companies with a competitive edge. Knowledge gained from the event should be useful to managers so that sound strategic decisions concerning new technologies can be made, while more junior staff can benefit by having the chance to tap into the knowledge of the experts that will be presenting." More than 100 delegates are expected to attend, representing all types of company from OEM majors to independent toolmakers and subcontractors. For further information, and to register for the event, please contact Julia Moore at the GTMA on 0121 601 6350 or e-mail