Q) How has business for Horn Cutting Tools UK this year and how competitive is the UK cutting tools market at the
current time?
Steve: Considering everything that is going on in the world, I am pleased with how we are performing. I am especially pleased that we are now above pre-pandemic levels and continuing to grow our business. The market remains very competitive with price and supply playing a major part.
Q) How has demand been from different manufacturing sectors and are there any new and emerging trends you are experiencing in the marketplace pre-pandemic?
Steve: The shortage of chips and wiring looms is having a massive impact on the automotive sector, especially due to companies adopting JIT manufacturing. This has created a chain reaction that has affected every business that contributes to the final assembly of a vehicle.
I am pleased to say that we are beginning to see promising signs in the aerospace industry, especially as the aviation corridors begin to open and the number of flights begin to increase, albeit slowly. Companies I have spoken with post-pandemic are focusing on becoming better equipped to deal with and adapt to sudden changes in market conditions.