Matsuura April Open House

Matsuura will hold an Open House on the 17, 18 and 19 of April 2007 with the theme being “Lights Out Manufacturing”.

Refreshments will be provided on all days, as well as special gifts and prizes – including Race Track Days. Included in the live machine demonstrations over the three days will be: * Matsuura MAM72 Series – multi pallet 5-axis machines * Matsuura H.Plus Series – multi pallet horizontal machining centres * STAMA MT Series – High productivity mill-turn centres All machines will be loaded with BIG Daishowa Toolholding Solutions or MST Mizoguchi Toolholding Solutions, both also supported in the UK by Matsuura. To book your place and to be automatically entered into our Track Race Day raffle, call 01530 511400 or email