Citizen to demonstrate "world's fastest 32 mm sliding-head"

1 min read

Citizen Machinery UK is to stage a series of Citizen A32 Productivity Demonstrations between 2 and 5 June 2009 at its headquarters in Bushey, Watford.

Hailed as "the world's fastest 32 mm CNC sliding head turn-mill centre", the competitively priced, heavy duty Citizen A32 will be under power in the showroom. Already, with seven machines installed and fully proven in the UK, the combination of control system and specially developed Citizen software, improved spindle powers and totally new levels of rigidity of build are typically returning a massive 30 per cent advantage to users, enabling them to decimate previous cycle times and demonstrate totally new orders of productivity on turn-mill components. Eight further machines from the Citizen range, which have a capacity between 4 mm and 32 mm, will also be under power during the event with demonstrations of CoolBlaster II – the high pressure coolant system, programming and editing software and a range of high performance tooling. Competitive financial advice will be available at the event, including details of how recent capital allowance incentives can be effectively applied to pre-owned as well as new machines. A selection of seven warranted, pre-owned Citizen machines will also be available to view. For more details and to register, visit, or call 01923 691500.