Learn from the experts at the Wolfson Centre for Bulk Solids Handling Technology as they present 2 related courses in April and May. Both courses take place in Chatham, Kent at the Wolfson Centre premises.
Storage and Discharge of Powders and Bulk Materials; 16 – 17 April 2024
A basic general short course covering some of the most common issues encountered by process engineers when handling bulk materials including material build-up in hoppers and unreliable discharge of the contents.
Learn about
- Basics of hopper and silo design and function
- Dealing with potential problems
- Discharge aids and interfacing to feeders
Attendees are also invited to join the Practical Workshop on 18 April, where some of the theory aspects are demonstrated in our on-site Pilot Plant.
Design of Equipment for Storing and Discharging Bulk Material. 15 – 16 May 2024
An advanced course offering an assessment of storage and handling requirements of bulk materials for drawing up specifications and designing hoppers and silos.
Learn about;
- Minimising project risk through characterisation of bulk materials;
- Detail design for storage equipment;
- Best Practice for bulk handling plant design and operation;
- When should discharge aids be applied and appropriate types;
- Methods for correct interfacing.
Both courses give the opportunity to speak to the experts and network with other attendees.
Who should attend?
All courses are written with the engineer in mind. They are recommended for operators who handle bulk materials daily, for maintenance, Health & Safety officers, plant or equipment designers and manufacturers, or management of such staff. Anyone who handles any form of bulk material could benefit from attending.
Further information and online Registration
Join us as we celebrate our 50th Anniversary in helping Industry solve it’s bulk materials handling problems.
The full calendar of courses can be found here
wolfson-enquiries@gre.ac.uk +44 20 8331 8646