Rego-Fix's powRgrip PG 6 supports micro-machining

Rego-Fix's new powRgrip system size PG 6 supports micro-machining needs, with a collet holder having an outer diameter of 10 mm and offering a small body profile.

Small tool shafts of between 0.2 mm and 3.175 mm can be clamped in this system, using the powRgrip system, which enables high precision in tool presetting and maximises repeatability during tool changes. powRgrip achieves this by employing a small table top hydraulic press. Precision length preadjustment is performed via an adjustment screw integrated in the powRgrip collet and the repeatable accuracy of the adjustment length is <10 µm. In addition, the low concentricity of <0.003 mm for the overall powRgrip PG 6 system (collet and collet holder) makes it ideal for high speed spindles. The PG 6 joins the PG 10, PG 15, PG 25 and PG 32 systems.