Quickgrind's Mirage coated carbide end-mills offer superior performance

The Mirage Series enables customers to increase speed and feed rates to improve material removal rates beyond existing parameters whilst also suppressing vibration and extending tool life whan cutting stainless steel, superalloys and a selection of non-ferrous, high-temperature alloys and cast iron.

This is credit to a tool composition of a force-resistant sub-micron grain carbide that is coated with Quickgrind’s unique X-Red technology. The tough and durable carbide composition forms the foundation for the extended tool life and performance of Quickgrind's Mirage, while it’s variable flute design and the centre cutting geometry deliver the “astounding material removal characteristics” and the flexibility to conduct “a multitude of processes”.

The four-flute X-Red coated end-mills are available in diameters of 3, 4, 5 and 6 mm, each having of a 6 mm diameter H6 ground shank for enhanced strength, rigidity and performance.

These have an overall length of 58 mm, a 10 to 13 mm flute length and the option of square end or corner radius (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.5 mm), depending on the chosen tool and diameter.

Eight, 10, 12, 16 and 20 mm diameter variants are available and have flute lengths from 18 to 38 mm, plus an overall length of from 64 to 104 mm, depending upon chosen diameter.

The larger and more robust end-mills in the Mirage Series retain identical shank and flute diameters. This enhances rigidity that supports high material removal rates whilst reducing vibration and improving surface finishes.