Productivity boost from WNT's flat bottomed drill

WNT's WTX-180 drill is designed to create true 180° flat bottomed holes making use of four facet geometry and polished flutes to deliver productivity gains by eliminating costly second operations.

The range extends from 4 mm through to 20 mm diameter, in steps of 0.1 mm up to 12 mm with some intermediate sizes being available, 5.55 mm for example. Above 12 mm diameter the steps are fewer falling on the .5 and .8 mm increments. The drill boasts innovative point geometry which with a Ti800 coating and carbide substrate ensures optimum hole roundness and surface quality. The ability of the WTX 180 drill to machine from solid, and produce a flat bottomed hole in a single pass, on surfaces ranging from angled (up to 45°), concave or convex, without the need for any pre-machining also reduces the number of operations required. The WTX 180 drills can take full advantage of the standard 3 x and 5 x diameter to length ratio flute lengths due to the carbide substrate being tougher than and more able to resist bending and torsional stresses. "These drills mark a major step forward in the production of flat bottomed holes, as far as I am aware WNT is the only company offering tools of this type as standard," says Adrian Fitts, WNT's business development manager. "The ability to drill from solid, without the need for pre-drilled holes, will not only reduce the number of tools required but also deliver significant cost savings."