The one-piece bed casting, three-point support and slant-bed design offer stiffness and excellent stability. The symmetrical slant structure, similar to some of the a1 series machines, ensures a minimised force loop for greater rigidity. And the swivel table comes with minimal overhang and excellent rigidity. In addition, the a500Z delivers high positioning accuracy thanks to the short distance between the A-axis pivot point and workpiece location.
The a500Z has a high torque 303 Nm HSK-A63 Makino spindle and has X, Y and Z axes of 730, 750 and 700 mm, respectively. Workpiece maximum size and weight are 630 mm diameter by 500 mm high and 400 kg respectively. The machine’s high speed automatic pallet changer and horizontal loading function are additional efficiency-boosting features.
Thermal control and swarf management are other features for the machine that is suited to mould and die making, and for use applications involving aerospace, automotive, industrial components and job shop environment.