Eclipse Magnetics’ sales and marketing director Steve McAllorum says: “We were delighted to see that the Autofiltrex was a popular product on the Eclipse Magnetics stand at EMO. The Autofiltrex is a great example of how an investment in magnetic technologies can improve efficiency in metal-finishing operations.”
Autofiltrex can be fitted in-line or off-line, ensuring 24/7 “ultra-polished” fluids and delivering advantages over traditional filter media. The modular design allows the addition of further units to accommodate increased flow rates, depending on application needs. Offering sub-micron filtration performance, the Autofiltrex range delivers cleaner fluid to the machine, thus improving surface finish and accuracy, as well as reducing expenditure on filter media.
As a ‘plug and play’ device, minimal set up is required, and the system can be fully integrated with CNC units for ease of use and to provide 24/7 uninterrupted filtration. In addition, the option of an additional waste reclaim unit is available to enable a fully automated system with waste disposal.
Autofiltrex is available in three sizes – the AF1 (no reclaim unit), the AF3 and the AF5 – each occupying minimal floor space with the capacity to increase fluid life by up to 10 times.