TCT Live conference programme free-to-attend

1 min read

The programme for October's TCT Additive Manufacturing Conference has now been finalised, with the announcement that there is no registrations fee, this year.

Leading experts will gather at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry, on 20-21 October, with the keynote speaker Ian Risk, vice president and head of EADS Innovation Works, Airbus UK. Airbus is a key player in the commercial use and development of Additive Manufacturing technologies. The presentation will take a look at the sound business reasons for adopting this technology. Following the keynote address, some of the industry's leading innovators will take to the podium: Converse USA; Rolls-Royce; Junior & Tacke; AMRC with Boeing; Crucible Industrial Design; RMRG Loughborough University; Renishaw; Ecolateral ALM/EADS; UKTI Global Entrepreneur Programme; Team Invictus Catamaran Challenge; Biomet Europe; and Cobra UK Automotive. The conference programme has been specially formulated to address key issues, including the business reasons for adopting additive technologies, definitive manufacturing applications of additive fabrication, and future considerations such as economic, environmental and corporate social responsibilities. Dr Bill O'Neill from the Centre of Industrial Photonics, University of Cambridge, is Conference Chair. Dr O'Neill will kick off the conference with an overview of the latest technologies on display in the exhibition hall. Called 'What's New at TCT Live 2009'. For the final session of the Conference on Day 2, the organisers are bringing together knowledgeable representatives from the leading technology developers, in order to stimulate lively debate and provide delegates with the opportunity to pose questions on current and future additive fabrication issues. For the full conference programme and to pre-register, please visit Only pre-registered delegates will be admitted, as places are limited.