Companies considering new component cleaning and degreasing equipment can now take a machine on free loan to test its effectiveness and operation.
Layton Technologies is offering a Blueseal sealed solvent cleaning system as an on-site demonstration machine for companies that want to continue cleaning with chlorinated solvents, such as trichloroethylene or perchloroethylene.
The machine is available to companies wishing to test out its features at their own site. Layton will provide the machine free-of-change, together with operator training. Delivery and connections to services need to be arranged by the user company.
"We already have a demonstration facility at our UK manufacturing base in Staffordshire, which allows companies to visit us to see how the equipment works and to conduct trials, but this on-site machine allows companies to also have a Blueseal system on their premises to enable wider understanding of the system," said Chris O'Rourke, Layton's sales manager.
The Blueseal system is a safe and environmentally compliant component cleaning system, which can be configured for use with Trike, Perc and some specific hydrocarbons and modified alcohols. It complies with latest regulations (SED) and the solvent suppliers Voluntary Industry Code (VIC).
The system has a hermetically sealed process chamber, which features spray, vapour and full immersion cleaning with ultrasonics, and super-fast vacuum drying. It has a closed solvent recovery process, with full carbon adsorption and automated regeneration all within a compact package, designed to deliver extremely low solvent use with almost zero emissions and exposure levels.