Order win for sub-contractor prompts Heller HMC installation

1 min read

Stroud-based sub-contractor Springfield Engineering has won a volume production order for diesel engine cylinder heads from a leading German manufacturer and has ordered a Heller MCH 250 horizontal machining centre to support this work.

The order is the company's first major contract for an overseas automotive manufacturer. Heller was selected after reviewing a number of machines because it is the only one which meets all the parameters of the project. More importantly, Heller has the capability to provide a full turnkey system and the back-up and support Springfield wanted throughout the installation and commissioning of the machine and into the future. “It is not an effective use of our own engineers to undertake the fixture design and development of the tooling package” Eddie Reed co-founder and partner. “They are better employed working on our own projects and leaving the engineering of the machine to the specialists. “We selected Heller because we are specialist sub-contractors, not specialist machine tool builders. To perform at the levels of quality, productivity and efficiency which we demand of ourselves, we wanted effective, knowledgeable support and a machine we could trust to perform reliably to the highest standards. We also needed to know that, should the contract grow and a ramp up be required of us, that the machine tool builder we chose would be at our side throughout the ramp-up and consequent production. We have just won the additional work, and know that Heller is in a position to provide whatever assistance we need, when we need it”. Working with Springfield’s project engineers, Heller designed and manufactured the fixtures and supplied a complete tooling package at its plant in Redditch, Worcestershire. All the programming was completed by Heller’s engineers, too.