MTL Group, the sub-contract manufacturer, has won the Westfield Health National Business Growth Award, at the EEF Future Manufacturing Awards.
This follows MTL Group winning their regional Business Growth Award, in November 2009, for the North East & Yorkshire.
The awards recognise MTL Group's investments in marketing, machinery and skills, which have doubled sales, in the last three years, and driven exports up, by 700 per cent.
In 2006, exports were a fringe activity for the Sheffield-based sub-contractor. Today, they represent a significant share of the company's turnover.
The management team freely admits that moving into foreign markets meant moving out of their comfort zone. But the plan they developed has delivered beyond even their expectations and ensured MTL Group's success, both abroad and at home.
"Our people are the face of MTL and it's critical that customers trust their integrity and ability. We've also recognised that, sometimes, you just have to 'speak their language'; so we've recruited employees with the language skills of our major customers," says Dr Henry Shirman, MTL's managing director.
In the final quarter of 2009, MTL received visits from several blue-chip European manufacturers keen to work with them and the level of overseas enquiries is, according to Dr Shirman "Stronger than it's ever been."
Image: The 'Westfield Health National Business Growth Award' officially presented to Dr Shirman by Westfield Health's Jill Davies and the BBC's Declan Curry.