Micro-machining seminar well attended

1 min read

The recent half-day ELMACT dissemination seminar on micro-machining held by GF AgieCharmilles was attended by over 50 delegates. The seminar focused on the use (and re-use) of high-precision micro-tooling and different cutting tool coatings for micro-milling and micro-drilling applications.

ELMACT stands for Extended Life Micro-tooling by Advanced Coating Technology and the seminar follows the completion of a three year research project into micro-machining, jointly funded by The Technology Strategy Board (TSB) and The Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). The seminar consisted of a series of key note presentations from a number of technical partners involved in the initiative (The University of Manchester, Teer Coatings, Rainford Precision Machines, Micro Systems (UK) and GF AgieCharmilles) combined with practical technology demonstrations. It provided a unique opportunity for visitors to find out more about the research findings, and to catch up with the latest developments and thinking from industry experts. The initial focus, explained ELMACT's collaborative research co-ordinator, Dr Kevin Cooke (Teer Coatings), was to gain a thorough understanding and knowledge of micro-machining including its history, the challenges and issues facing manufacturers using the technology today and tomorrow, current best practice and likely future trends. Specific, collaborative areas of structured research (undertaken by the technical partners) followed this first phase, and included: • Critical evaluation of tool preparation and machining strategies; • Performance and evaluation of different coating technologies including CFUBMSIP (The Closed Field Unbalanced Magnetron Sputter Ion Plating System), and Laser Stimulated Solgel system, as well as the development of novel hard and self-lubricating systems; • Evaluation of different de-coating technologies (primarily using chemical and laser systems) and successful re-coating technologies. The technical partners intend to disseminate their research and application findings to the market in the weeks and months ahead, and are looking to continue and refine their research via further funding initiatives such as that announced by the TSB recently into 'High Value Manufacturing'.