Lantek ends 2010 with a 34% increase in turnover
1 min read
Lantek, a world leader in the development and marketing of integrated CAD/CAM and ERP solutions for the sheet metal sector, recently held its annual conference in which the 2010 results were presented, as well as the corporate strategy for 2011.

In 2010, Lantek saw a 34% increase in turnover to €10.58 million. This increase in business was reflected with 1,100 new customers to make a total client base of over 11,000 companies, all over the world.
Of the total turnover achieved by Lantek in 2010, 84% corresponds to the business generated by the international markets as a whole, while 16% came from the domestic market. This clearly illustrates how important the foreign market is for the company, and is in line with its policy for international expansion, as well as its long-held commitment to emerging markets.
The countries in which Lantek saw most growth in 2010 were China, South Korea, the United States and Brazil. The traditional European markets continue to be an important source of business, although the market growth in Asia and America is increasingly significant.
The positive 2010 results have led Lantek to set some optimistic targets for 2011; hence the company forecasts turnover to continue its double-digit growth, with a 30% rise.
As a result, Lantek has announced the start of its new strategic plan for 2011-2013, which incorporates changes at the organisational level. In general terms, this is based on the maxim "think global, act local". To achieve this, Lantek is adopting a more horizontal organisational structure, with more localised management in the countries in which it operates, recognising the substantial differences between the markets in Europe and those in Asia or America.
Another of the key elements in Lantek's plans for 2011 is for the company to become a multinational supplier of integrated solutions, thus generating higher levels of income than can be achieved by selling licences alone.
Lantek is, aiming to be customers' preferred option, and offer not only next generation products and services, but also provide integrated solutions with high added value. To achieve this, the company will continue working on the development and innovation of the two ranges of solutions it now offers to metal and sheet metal processing companies.
These are its CAD/CAM products, which include Lantek Expert, Lantek Flex3d and Lantek Manager; and its management products, consisting of Lantek Integra and Lantek Steelworks. Developing the OEM segment is also a key element of this new strategic plan
For 2011-2013, Lantek plans to focus its efforts and resources on specific regions (Germany, France, Italy, South Korea, United States, and China) where it will aim to strengthen and boost its growth.