High efficiency machining seminar involves Delcam, Seco Tools (UK) and Roemheld

1 min read

CAM software developer Delcam, cutting tool manufacturer Seco and workholding specialist Roemheld will present a joint seminar on high efficiency machining at Seco's recently-opened premises in Alcester, Warwickshire, on Thursday, 5 December.

The seminar will include presentations from the three companies who will outline their latest developments to increase machine tool productivity, followed by live demonstrations of high efficiency machining on Seco's Mazak Integrex mill-turn equipment and Micron 5-axis machining centre. The machining demonstrations will see the UK debut of Delcam's new Vortex area clearance strategy, launched as part of the PowerMILL CAM system for high speed and 5-axis machining. Vortex offers substantial time savings by allowing users to make deeper cuts using the full flute length. A series of trials run by Delcam on different machine tools within its Advanced Manufacturing Facility has shown that time savings of up to 70% are possible with the new strategy. Unlike other high speed roughing techniques that aim to maintain a constant theoretical metal-removal rate, the Vortex strategy produces toolpaths with a controlled engagement angle for the complete operation. This maintains the optimum cutting conditions for the entire toolpath rather than, as is normal, only for the straight-line moves. As a result, the cutting time will be significantly shorter, while cutting will be undertaken at a more consistent volume removal rate and feed rate, so protecting the machine. Because Vortex toolpaths have a controlled engagement angle, tools should never be overloaded and so will achieve the maximum tool life. Shock loading caused by changes in the contact angle is minimised, preventing chipping of the flutes. In addition, the stability of the cutting conditions gives more consistent edge temperatures, so prolonging the life of the tool coating and removing heat damage to the surface of the part. Finally, the ability to use stepdowns of three, or even more, times the tool diameter spreads the tool wear evenly over the cutting surface of the tool, again contributing to longer tool life. Seco Tools has tools designed specifically to achieve high metal removal rates and so allow users to gain the maximum benefit from the Vortex strategy. An inevitable consequence of increased machining speeds is that, if things do go wrong, they go wrong much more quickly. Safe, accurate workholding is, therefore, more important than ever. Roemheld continues to meet these growing demands with new automation solutions for hydraulic clamping and Zero-point mounting systems. As well as providing vice solutions, ensuring secure, precise machining on today's 5-axis machines and higher speed applications, these systems also contribute to overall efficiency by minimising set-up times.