Haas Automation doubled production to meet 2010 demand

1 min read

Haas Automation's 4th-quarter 2010 revenues were up 118% over 1st-quarter 2010, and the company more than doubled production in 2010 to meet growing demand for its products.

"We closed out 2010 with our best quarter since 2008," said Haas general manager Bob Murray, "both for orders and for revenue. We saw a steady increase in demand last year, with each month better than the previous month. December was our best month since June 2008, with orders up 150% and revenue up 96%, year over year. We see that trend continuing in 2011. "We also more than doubled our production during 2010," Mr Murray added, "and we'll continue ramping up to meet the growing demand, as shops worldwide invest in Haas equipment in response to the improving economy." Sixty percent of the Haas machines sold in 2010 went to international markets, noted Mr Murray. Haas sales in Russia increased more than 120%, and sales in India grew by 107%. In China, Haas sales expanded by 68%, and sales in Latin America increased by 65%. Haas Automation Europe (HAE) enjoyed a marked increase in sales and enquiries during the last quarter of 2010, a trend that has continued into the first quarter of 2011. "Our last quarter is usually our busiest period," says HAE managing director, Peter Zierhut, "but even so, sales were stronger than we had anticipated. New products such as the DT-1 drill tap machine, and the range of reengineered vertical machining centers are driving growth across all regions on the continent. We're anticipating a very encouraging year ahead."