PROLIMA (Environmental Product Lifecycle Management for Building Competitive Machine Tools), a European research programme, is being co-ordinated by AFM, the Spanish Association of Machine Tool Manufacturers.
Taking part in developing this project are sector companies, technological centres and innovation bodies from five countries of the EU: Germany, Belgium, Spain, Finland and Holland.
Apart from AFM, the Spanish representation is made up of companies within the sector: Soraluce, Lealde, Estarta, Launik and Urpe, technological centres (Ideko and Tekniker) and the AEC (Spanish Association for Quality).
The focus of this project is to improve the competitiveness of European businesses in the machine tool sector by means of innovation in those methods and processes that can incorporate all the factors influencing the life-cycle costs of the machines into their design stage. In this way, the project underlines quality and environmental aspects and their repercussions on the design and use of the machines.