Graduate funding scheme launched by Enscite

1 min read

New funding is up for grabs so that SMEs in the East Midlands can have a graduate working for them.

Enscite will provide up to £4,000 of financial support for each individual placement between its partner universities - Aston, Cranfield and Derby - and SMEs in the automotive, aerospace or rail sectors. Enscite's MD Colin McKinnon says much has been documented about the potential skills shortage and this is a great opportunity for local SMEs to tap into some excellent up and coming young talent from leading universities. He adds: "We hope that by providing a small amount of funding to support the cost of the graduate, we can widen the scheme to even the smallest businesses that may not have considered this sort of thing before." To qualify, graduates must have a degree or NVQ4 equivalent qualification awarded in the last three academic years. Placement of the graduate is effective from the date they begin work at an SME. Read our bigger feature about Enscite and how it is helping firms to rethink supply chains in the June issue of Machinery (page 20).