Government funds Automating Manufacturing Campaign

In conjunction with BARA, PPMA and other industry stakeholders, the UK Government has allocated significant funding towards helping British businesses understand the benefits of automation and assistance in establishing a practical plan for implementation.

The initiative is manifest in the Automating Manufacturing brochure (downloadable at the link below) and the associated campaign. The Automating Manufacturing Campaign includes a series of business breakfasts around the country at which automation users will explain their experiences and experts will be available for one-to-one discussions. The meetings will conclude with a tour of the automation in use at a local venue. The first event focussed on automotive parts and welded fabrications will be held on Tuesday 29 March 2011 at the Woodgate Business Park, Clapgate Lane, Birmingham, B32 3ED. To reserve a place contact Christine Jordan on or telephone BARA directly on 020 8773 8111.