Delcam is offering a free evaluation copy of its FeatureCAM feature-based CAM system from its new, re-designed website.
The evaluation version includes all the feature-based and knowledge-based programming options available in the 2007 release of the software but does not allow programs to be saved or output.
“We wanted to provide our customers and those looking at CAM software, a resource for FeatureCAM information,” said Randy Wightman, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at Delcam, “and we also wanted to expand that to include information and download options for the breadth of solutions that Delcam offers.”
The new web site design includes all the features provided previously, with easier navigation and expanded downloads, news, events and case studies. The site follows the style of other Delcam websites and offers information and forums on the wide range of CADCAM products now available from Delcam.