Dow and Safechem have increased their capacity for solvent analyses and oil compatibility tests related to solvent degreasing by opening additional laboratories in Germany.
Safechem has an office in the UK and clients that can take advantage of the service, which is now easier and faster, as all the tests are now carried out in laboratories in Germany instead of Switzerland.
The new, certified 'CHEMAWARE™ Laboratories', which now incorporate the Dow/Safechem Lab Services' offer for solvent analyses and oil compatibility tests, are equipped with advanced technology and enable faster processing.
For solvents, different analytical procedures are used to control solvent quality and to determine essential factors, such as solvent purity, stabiliser concentration, decomposition products, oil and water content, as well as the acid profile in the solvent. Depending on their characteristics, these factors can influence the cleaning process. Solvent analyses not only help to identify the reason for cleaning issues, they also serve to document the stability and quality of the cleaning process for Dow and Safechem customers. Specialists consult customers comprehensively on necessary measures, based on the analysis results, so that necessary maintenance measures can be taken. A timely reaction to changes in the cleaning system can lead to a prolonged solvent lifetime and reduced stabiliser consumption, thus contributing to cost savings.
Oil compatibility tests enable a sound decision regarding cleaning technology. Possible influences from processing oils on the solvent and its stability can be verified. On the one hand, test results assist in the decision-making process for the most suitable solvent and its stabilisation. On the other hand, recommendations for the technically and economically most compatible cleaning technology can be given since tests are conducted under both normal pressure and vacuum conditions. Amongst others, this is one good reason for the leading cleaning equipment manufacturers to work with CHEMAWARE Lab Services, especially for customers who apply critical chlorinated or sulphur-containing oils.
In addition to comprehensive CHEMAWARE solvent analyses and oil compatibility tests, Dow Research and Development (R&D) specialists continue to research for innovations to make cleaning processes even more efficient. The experienced Dow R&D and Safechem Team also support customers in solving their individual, special cleaning issues.