Delcam will launch the 2011 version of its PowerMILL CAM system for 5-axis and high-speed machining at two events in February.
The first will be at Dormer Tools on the Advanced Manufacturing Park in Sheffield on 22 February and the second at Mazak's European Technology Centre in Worcester on 24 February. The meetings are mainly aimed at existing PowerMILL users but they will also be of value to experienced operators of other CAM systems who are thinking about changing to the Delcam software.
Each day will comprise morning and afternoon sessions of hands-on time, under the guidance of Delcam's expert engineers, to trial the latest features in the software. Delegates attending the meetings at Dormer will be able to learn about the company's wide range of cutting tools, while those at the sessions at Mazak will be able to view the range of machines in the European Technology Centre and have a factory tour.
The 2011 PowerMILL release makes the programming of safe toolpaths easier than ever thanks to new stock-model-engagement options that protect both the cutting tool and the machine from excessive loading. Other enhancements include new editing capabilities to simplify the machining of duplicate items; more versatile control of feed-rates for leads and links; and extra functionality for sketching, plus the completion of the move to the new clearer forms for the complete range of strategies.
The options to optimise tool loading will help overcome a constant conflict for programmers. On the one hand, they want to maximise productivity by setting feed-rates as fast as their machines will allow; on the other hand, they need to ensure safe speeds that will not break the tool.