CNC simulation and verification component software expert MachineWorks boosts technical team

1 min read

​The MachineWorks technical team has been growing over the last few months, with four new positions filled across Development, Support and Quality Assurance.

The CNC simulation and verification component software expert has expanded the technical team with new talent to tackle a much wider range of problems, bringing in new skills to build upon the core MachineWorks and Polygonica technologies. More than 60% of CAM developers in the world have integrated MachineWorks technology.

The first of its new developers is Wael, who has a PHD in Computational Modelling from the University of Sheffield. He has spent more than 15 years developing and managing scientific and engineering applications.

Fraser has an MPhys from Oxford University and has spent the last four years teaching physics. He has joined the MachineWorks Software Development team, as he starts on a new career path.

Alex is a new quality assurance engineer, tasked with ensuring the top quality of products delivered by MachineWorks. He is starting his first job after graduating from Newcastle University with an upper second-class honours degree in Mechanical Engineering.

Tom is a new member of the company’s support team. After achieving a first-class honours degree in Mathematics at Newcastle University, he decided to return to his hometown of Sheffield to go on to study for an MSc in Aerodynamics and Aerostructures.

(First names only have been provided)