The XJet system prints ultra-fine layers of nanoparticle ‘inks’ or fluids for both build and support materials. The company’s patented NanoParticle Jetting (NPJ) technology stands apart from other ceramic and metal AM technologies, due to the use of this unique liquid dispersion and inkjet process, as opposed to a powder-bed technology, delivering superior quality of parts in terms of detail, density and freedom of design, it is claimed.
NPJ provides unique benefits in mechanical properties of materials and geometric properties of parts, resulting in better quality materials, achieving physical properties equal to traditionally made parts. The technology also delivers numerous operational and safety advantages, and is scalable, opening endless opportunities in the future to print in multiple materials and scale to market needs.
Says XJet CBO Dror Danai: “The Carfulan Group has a wealth of knowledge and experience in providing the UK market with leading additive manufacturing technologies and so they are the ideal partner for distributing our Carmel AM systems in the UK. This is an exciting development for XJet, as appointing the first distributor worldwide marks an important step in line with our business strategy for establishing a worldwide leading channel network.”
Adds Matt Fulton, managing director of XJ3D/Carfulan Group: “XJet’s unique NanoParticle Jetting technology is a real game-changer in metal and ceramic additive manufacturing and as such we’re proud to be the company’s first distributor. The XJet Carmel AM system fills a real need with our customers, providing a revolutionary alternative for the production of metal and ceramic parts, enabling superfine details, smooth surfaces and high accuracy due to the unique printing process.”