Central to the collaboration is the objective to develop predictive simulation solutions for Stratasys’ Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) technology to enable the production of tighter tolerance, higher performance parts. This is aimed at being achieved in conjunction with e-Xstream engineering’s standalone material modelling platform, Digimat, which offers a self-contained module to enable a flexible interface that is accessible for basic to advanced level designers, as well as other users across multiple manufacturing based workflows.
Increased material understanding and greater dimensional accuracy of 3D printed parts to optimise output results and expand the aperture of applications are benefits.
Says Scott Sevcik, VP manufacturing solutions at Stratasys: “Stratasys recognises the importance of simulation and modelling as a way for customers to optimise part production by designing with additive in mind, while ensuring that the material and process will deliver ‘print right the first time’ assurance.
“For engineers to unlock the design freedom that additive manufacturing offers, they need tools for accurate and effective analysis. We are happy to be collaborating with simulation leaders, such as e-Xstream, whose customised tools are a key contributor to enabling additive manufacturing to become a high-performance production technology.”
Core functions of the collaboration comprise:
The next release of e-Xstream’s material modelling platform, Digimat, will deliver the first material models of ULTEM™ 9085 resin, a strong, lightweight thermoplastic meeting aerospace requirements, with a complete process package for the Stratasys Fortus 900mc Production 3D Printer. Digimat 2018.0 is available for download now.