Sitting comfortably

Flight-deck seat specialist IPECO is investing hard to keep up with demand from existing and new business areas. The twin towers attack in September 2001 hit the civil aerospace industry hard, but one of the effects was to drive up sales in the business jet sector because these are not subject to the same security concerns that affect the commercial airlines. That’s not the only driver for this market, of course. Global businesses with smaller management teams that have to travel more and more are being supported by their firms with this more convenient form of air travel, others say.

Flight-deck seat specialist IPECO is investing hard to keep up with demand from existing and new business areas. The twin towers attack in September 2001 hit the civil aerospace industry hard, but one of the effects was to drive up sales in the business jet sector because these are not subject to the same security concerns that affect the commercial airlines. That’s not the only driver for this market, of course. Global businesses with smaller management teams that have to travel more and more are being supported by their firms with this more convenient form of air travel, others say.