Almost precisely one year since DMG Mori UK (0247 651 6120) opened its Coventry showroom (
See here), the combined UK presence of these German and Japanese machine tool giants is now consolidated under a single roof. This impressive facility extends to 3,189 sq m and includes a dedicated showroom of 1,225 sq m, where16 machines, under power, are currently located. There's also a dedicated CMM room, in partnership with Hexagon Metrology (0870 446 2667), and secure facilities for the development of confidential processes.
Image: The opening ceremony for what is now DMG Mori UK one year ago
Of course, the venue allows DMG Mori UK (previously called DMG Mori Seiki UK) to meet its customers face-to-face and devise innovative solutions, but offers a change to the way the combined, currently independent, companies of what are now DMG Mori Seiki Co (previously Mori Seiki) and DMG Mori Seiki AG (previously Gildemeister AG) sell and service in the UK to provide real user value.
Some of the improvements initiated here include real-time monitoring of customer call waiting times and figures, not just for service response times, but also machine 'back in service' times. Cross-training programs for the company's service engineers are now in full swing too – some 70 courses have been arranged in the past 12 months, ensuring that any breakdowns can be resolved as quickly as possible by a single engineer.
"This facility has put DMG MORI in the UK on a global platform in the fast-paced, high technology marketplace," says managing director, Steve Finn. "Around 60% of our customers have 50 employees or fewer and our portfolio of machines will enable us to offer, develop and verify innovative chip-forming processes that will build confidence and add value to business development programmes."
One way to engage with existing and potential customers is to stage an Open House. Last year, some 653 visitors attended the DMG MORI event and a similar number was expected this year.
On display in the Coventry showroom today can be found a range of machines spanning the DMG MORI portfolio. As a point of note, all machines are now branded DMG MORI, with brands such as Gildemeister and Mori Seiki respectfully retired from active service.
The machines currently at Coventry line up as follows: a CTX 310 ecoline universal turning centre; a CTX 510 ecoline universal turning centre; a DMU 50 entry level 5-axis machining centre; a MILLTAP 700 compact machining centre (the first 100% jointly developed machine); a DMC 1035V ecoline 3-axis vertical machining centre; an NMV 3000 DCG 5-axis vertical machining centre; an NLX 2500/700 CNC turning centre; an NLX 4000/750 CNC turning centre; a DMU 100 eVo FD 5-axis machining centre with mill-turn technology; a DMU 75 monoBLOCK 5-axis machining centre; a DMU 180-7 linear travelling-column milling centre; an NTX 2000S turn-mill centre; an NHX 5500 horizontal machining centre; an NHX 5000 horizontal machining centre; an NVX 5080 vertical machining centre; and an NTX 1000 turn-mill centre.
What might be noted is that none of the machines on display are those given world premières at the recent EMO exhibition in Germany – a total of 95 exhibits on the DMG MORI stand included 18 debutants. To address this, DMG MORI ran three seminars each day at its Open House, focusing purely on the technology released at EMO (see also Machinery November 2013, EMO Product Launch Review – PDF version available online after publication).
Central to all the new machines is CELOS (
See here), the company's new standardised user interface. CELOS is said to simplify and accelerate the manufacturing process from concept to finished component, and also forms the basis of paperless production. In addition, CELOS Apps provide the user with integrated and digitised management, documentation and the visualisation of order, process and machine data. CELOS is also compatible with PPS and ERP systems and can be networked with CADCAM applications. The first machines featuring CELOS will be ready for shipping in the second quarter of 2014.
Image: CELOS
From a new machine perspective, no less than three machines have been introduced in the NLX series of CNC turning centres, of which over 1,200 are sold every year worldwide. The NLX 2500/500 offers two-axis turning for short workpiece lengths up to 500 mm, while the NLX 3000MC/1250 is for the turning and milling of parts up to 1,250 mm in (turned) length. The NLX 4000BY/1500 is designed for the machining of large workpieces of up to 500 mm diameter and 1,500 mm in (turned) length.
Image: The NLX2500
Two more new turning machines are the CTX 450 ecoline and CTX 650 ecoline, which are said to offer the smallest footprint of their class for chuck sizes of 250 mm and 400 mm with 3D control technology. Other turning machines unveiled include the CTX beta 2000 TC turn-mill centre, which is said to feature the largest Y-travel (300 mm) in its class; the CTV 315 linear vertical turning lathe for large workpieces of up to 300 mm diameter; and the Sprint 65 automatic production lathe with up to three turrets, three Y axes and an innovative B-axis with direct drive.
Image: The CTX ecoline range
Image: The CTX beta 2000 TC
Image: The Sprint 65
Image: The CTV 315 linear
From a machining centre perspective, the new HSC 30 linear and HSC 70 linear are aimed at tool, die and mould makers. Features include long term accuracy of less than 5 micron made possible by an innovative cooling concept and thermo-symmetrical construction. Furthermore, surface qualities of < 0.15 Ra can achieved thanks to spindles with shaft, flange and sleeve cooling as well as the accustomed advantages of linear drives in all axes.
Image: The HSC linear
Among other new prismatic-based machines are: the DMU 80P duoBLOCK which now offers 30% more performance, precision and efficiency; the DMC 650V vertical machining centre; the DMC 85 FD monoBLOCK mill-turn machine with three-pallet change system; the DIXI 270 for heavy parts up to 12 tonnes; the DMF 600 linear travelling column milling centre with linear drive and 6 m X-axis travel; the i80L compact horizontal machining centre for the serial production of motor components; and the Ultrasonic 30 linear for 5-axis machining of advanced materials with up to 40 % reduced process forces.
Image: The DMC 650 V
Image: The DIXI 270
Image: The DMF 600 linear
Image: The i80L
Image: The DMC 85 FD
Completing the line up of new machines at EMO was the UNO 20|40 entry-level tool presetting system.
Image: The UNO 20-40 presetter
"We received far more UK visitors than usual to our EMO stand this year," concludes Mr Finn. "Some were genuine buyers; others were simply exploring the latest technologies to see what's available. In total the DMG MORI UK operation sold 42 machines at EMO, representing a value of circa €10 million."