Live production information offered by new PSL Status Boards

Production control system PSL Datatrack has been further enhanced with the new 2018 Status Board display system.

This gives visibility to real-time KPIs (key performance indicators), system alerts and action lists, giving more control over manufacturing processes. The graphical display of the boards has been reworked to give a bolder, enhanced presentation and make an even greater impact on the shopfloor.

PSL Datatrack Status Boards can be put on display throughout a factory to deliver clear visual information to all departments on any aspect of production. Management can have visual real-time information in the boardroom, including actual sales versus projections and targets. Dynamic, real-time information to specific areas of the factory on many different KPIs gives essential information at a time when close control of costs and providing the highest service levels to customers is vital.

Real-time display of shopfloor information highlights the current work-to-list and the jobs requiring work that day, avoiding accidental oversight of vital work. Status Board displays can highlight which customer deliveries are due out on a particular day, allowing management decisions to be made on production as a whole. They can also warn if targets are not being met and give the shopfloor priorities to focus on.

These can be complemented by stock alerts that show whether any materials or components required to complete a job have dropped below minimum quantity levels and need replenishment. Real-time goods-in statistics highlight which deliveries are due in and which need to be followed up in the event of non-arrival.