New guidelines for safe handling & disposal of metalworking fluid

The United Kingdom Lubricants Association (UKLA) has introduced a good practice guide for the safe handling and disposal of metalworking fluid, the maintenance of which is essential to prevent ill health in machine workshops.

The guide has been compiled in conjunction with the Metalworking Fluid Product Stewardship Group (MWFPSG) and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), as well as advice from experienced workshop managers and medical experts.

From 1996 to 2015, reported cases of Occupational hypersensitivity pneumonitis (OHP) related to metalworking fluid exposure have increased from 2% to 45%.

Explains Tony Joynston, general sales manager for filtration at Eclipse Magnetics Ltd said: “Eclipse Magnetics is delighted that the UKLA has recognised the need for workshops to have a set of guidelines that encourages them to strictly manage metalworking fluid. Stats show there has been a massive increase in health problems related to metalworking fluid exposure. It is, therefore, absolutely essential that the industry strives to reduce the increasing risk of ill health in operators and ensure health and safety directives are met.”