SmartCAM V18.0 applications now being field tested for June release

Version 18.0 delivers new and improved milling functionality to the SmartCAM milling suite, and several modelling and toolpath editing enhancements to the entire SmartCAM suite of computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) system software. General release of the software is expected in June.

SmartCAM V17 releases focused on solids machining improvements in advanced milling applications. V18.0 concentrates on core milling functionality that will also benefit SmartCAM Production Milling users. It is predicted that the wireframe rest-mill roughing and feature-based hole making capabilities be a huge time saver for all our milling users. A third core milling improvement found in SmartCAM V18.0 is a set of enhancements relating to helical milling. Helix elements can now be created with left- or right-offset characteristics during verification and code generation. A thread milling process has been enhanced to take advantage of the new helix offsetting capabilities. Addtionally, several customer-requested, core modelling and toolpath editing improvements will be found in all SmartCAM applications.