Open Mind 'hyperMILL 2017.1' boasts turning, milling and CAD improvements

2 mins read

Open Mind Technologies’ ‘hyperMILL’ 2017.1 sees crucial additions to ‘hyperCAD-S’, its proprietary CAD for CAM solution and has added new mill-turning and milling functions.

Three improvements to hyperCAD-S include draft, curvature and selection functions. The new selection functions make selecting CAD elements particularly convenient. The new draft and curvature analyses help users quickly view and examine milling areas or radii sizes.

hyperCAD-S offers new functions for draft analysis

For machining, an extended chipbreak function for turning operations now allows users to machine hard and soft materials with more flexibility than ever before. New functions make it possible to remove chips safely for non-falling contours, with machining length now defined in combination with a short stop to break swarf, which ensures the workpiece is not damaged by swarf getting wrapped around the spindle.

It’s also possible to maintain high surface quality with the machining length defined in combination with a short pause. The user can select from two methods to specify the stop, define the dwell time or even the number of spindle rotations. Greater control of chipbreaking is also now possible where the area to be machined is divided into multiple sections that are machined in a specified order.

Reducing auxiliary processing times with hyperMILL millTURN-Linking

In the milling area, the new release has a number of new functions and expansions for 2.5D and 3D machining. hyperMILL 2017.1 supports cutter radius compensation when using 2D thread milling and 2D helical drilling strategies. If the tool radius changes, hyperMILL automatically adjusts the programmed path. Users have two options for how this adjustment is made: a compensated path option or a compensated centre path option.

A new 3D cutting edge machining strategy enables efficient machining, particularly for cutting blades. Roughing and finishing operations can easily be generated via a 3D curve selection, with 'rest material' machining generated via the ‘Reference job’ option. Here, rest material areas of the previous machining operation are also included in each case. Toolpath smoothing ensures a better milling result, if the contours are of poor quality.

The scope of the ‘hyperMILL MAXX Machining’ performance package now sees spindle speed adjusted in the plunge macro for roughing. Modifying the spindle speed and specifying a dwell time for speed change ensure more tool-friendly machining. This option also increases process reliability.

Finally, users can now benefit from two new functions for 5-axis swarf cutting with a curve. The perfect surface and equally perfect curve are created automatically for swarf cutting, based on a simple face selection. This feature automatically fillets interior corners, so the programmer can eliminate the input of additional geometries when pocket and fillet machining.

Five-axis swarf cutting with a curve generating perfect faces and curves for swarf cutting