Faster re-engineering from scanned data using Delcam’s PowerShape Pro

The 2014 R2 release of Delcam's PowerShape Pro CAD software introduces powerful tools to make re-engineering complex parts from scanned data faster and easier. Other enhancements include:

• For more complex geometry, mesh segmentation can be carried out manually. • Regions with complex, free-form geometry can now be replaced with a single surface. • Once the main surfaces have been created they can be trimmed together to form a single, closed solid automatically. • All PowerShape Pro models can now be simplified with an option that merges fragmented faces into a single, continuous surface. • The Smart Feature Manager allows users to identify all the features within a solid in a single operation, and so make the analysis of imported data easier and faster. • The software includes a set of filters so that all the features which fulfil specific criteria can be identified within the model.